About Us
Our Mission
TME is a dream fulfiller by being committed to the core philosophy of bridging values; transforming lives to motivate and educate our next generations through hands-on learning experiences.

Our Vision
Together we can make a difference in everyone’s lives! We believe that this change starts within YOU and the passion you carry on your journey!

Our Values
The more you go, the more you learn! “Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn”

TME stands for Transform Me as we believe that everyone has the need to be better, the better version of ourselves and when we become more we can help to transform others. TME Vietnam combines travel and education as an integrated experiential approach to make better changes
TME was founded by local educators with over 30 years combined experience in K-12 education in Vietnam and in the field of education and training. We believe that experience is the biggest factor for change and growth.
Our team is based in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. At TME, we design the best experiential learning environment for YOU. We are here to help you GROW as Professionals!

Co-founder, Academic Adviser

Co-Founder, CEO

Co-Founder, Director of Technologly