Why Vietnam?
Are you looking to be abroad for a while?
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a teacher?
Have you ever wondered what’s out there in the world that you can
help and learn from?
Vietnam is an amazing country to travel with low cost of living
Being an intern with paid stipend, you will have the freedom to travel throughout the country, enjoy traditional delicious foods, emerging in Vietnamese culture like a local and learn more about yourself!
At the same time, you give back to local community by working with local students, teachers and leaders.
Most interns choose this way as a favorable entry into the world of teaching English abroad.

Why teaching internship with TME?
We are based in Vietnam and we can help you to make your
TEFL Internship in Vietnam the most effective and simple way!
We take care of all those logistics for you!
You gain teaching experience for a full- time teaching career in the future: Many schools in Vietnam now require practical teaching experiences for English native teachers.
You save your time and avoid hassles!
You learn from a community of professional educators who committed to education in Vietnam
TME is the ONLY local agency that provides training to help you get a head-up start in teaching career and to develop yourself as a professional teacher.
Teaching Internship
Travel and teach in one of amazing cities in Vietnam. Choose the place you want to go and TME will support you with everything you need: logistics, teaching and culture orientation, freeaccommodation, internship placement, paid teaching contract, follow-up training, etc. You get hands-on teaching experience and have the freedom to enjoy your journey